1. Apples (Registered Users) != Cherries (Active Users) : Most MMO systems report their userbase as Registered Users, which correlates to our public Residents metric. This includes Second Life users who registered on the website but have never logged in, for lots of reasons including "didn't want to download a client", "don't have fast enough video card to run", "don't have broadband", etc. Clay's well publicized criticism on valleywag calls this out - for us. What about the rest of the lot? For MMO Games that "never logged in" number would be much lower, as generally their login process includes a shrinkwrapped box with Minimum System Requirements printed clearly on the wrapper, and the product is marketed clearly at the Computer Gamer demographic- as opposed to the Metaverse target user, which is "everyone- who wants a Second Life", but that number of "never logged in" still exists for them- who reports it, besides us? It also includes users who logged in previously but have not logged on recently. There are lots of comments here, here, here, and here about how the reported numbers for other systems include inactive users. Personally, Registered users is one of the most irrelevant and distracting metrics you can discuss, as it is subject to the whelms of public attention, and will swell and shrink dramatically weekly in unexpected ways, based on Media focus. Try to relate Registered Users to the metrics of early-90s websites, and their long-term retention to get a sense of relevance.
2. Logged in Users (Oranges) != Active users (Cherries): Total hits of users on any social online system will be divided between those browsing it, and those contributing to it. Those contributing will invest more time and attention, and make the system more valuable. We report Logged in users overall for the month, and break it down by Gender. Active users we go much further and break down by Country and by Age Band. This is a more interesting set of data, on who is building our Better Life, in my humble opinion.
3. Hours spent inworld == more pertinent metric. Counts of Users, like Hitcounts, can always be gamed. Real attention is measured in real time invested. Second Life is much more than a website, it is a fully engaging Application with lots of Resources available. Residents who find the resources valuable will spend time here, and expand them. Browsers who don't find what they're looking for will look elsewhere. There are other online worlds experiencing this disparity.
4. Active Users (Cherries) == "fully engaged users". This is always a grey area, as there is a gradient at play here on who contributes more, but there are obvious trends. I declare Active users as someone who spends more than a cumulative Hour on the system in a Month. These are our "sweet spot" users where the system meets their needs and they are investing their time and creativity to make the system better. They are contributing their communications, content, and social networks. They're Building, and Scripting, and creating groups. Active Users will include our community of blogging residents, designers, and otherwise Business Owners- whether through inworld products, services, or connectivity/marketing to outer web presences. Most are spending a lot more than 1 hour a month, once they break that barrier.
5. Metaverse != MMO Game: This topic has been flogged ceaselessly, but it's important to point out in this discusion. An MMPORG will have different demographics from a Metaverse. That is not to say that overall comparison isn't valuable, let's just make sure we're taking at least Oranges to Oranges. I don't expect every MMO worldwide to start disclosing their ratios of Cherries, but indeed, let's discard the Bad Apples from the conversation.